Whole Horse Performance (WHP Equestrian) is my way of giving back. Over the past 10 years I’ve had the pleasure of working with many talented horsemen and women, ones that have challenged my mindset, skills, and learning capabilities and I am forever grateful.
With my extensive experience in natural horsemanship, young horses, and problem solving, I've come to love breaking things down, for both horse and human.
Communication with your horse doesn’t have to be frustrating - It can be simple, soft, kind and effective. Which keeps you and your horse safe. And learning for the rider can be fun and straight forward!
I have a unique perspective on horsemanship due to my interest in so many disciplines. My heart is in Eventing, but I enjoy watching horses learn and exceed the expectations people have in their minds. From bridle-less obstacle competitions, to working cows on a ranch, I firmly believe in well rounded horses and humans, never ending learning, and solid foundations.
In my early teens I got involved with the USPC (United States Pony Club) and and fell in love with their focus on horse management. Currently as a HB, and aiming for my HA the end of 2024. I am continuing to strive and learn more about how to manage our horses health and happiness effectively. Whole Horse Performance was born because of my passion to look at our equine partners lives as a whole picture, not as separate parts.
I have dreams and aspirations of competing at the upper levels of eventing and dressage, and continuing to help riders and their horses work harmoniously with each other.
Whole Horse Performance offers private and group horsemanship lessons, as well as clinics, consultations, problem solving, and trailer loading sessions.
To you, Katrina is more than just a riding instructor. She first and foremost instills confidence, Self value and positivity into all her students - adults or kids. She breaks difficult tasks into easy pieces to understand.
She is incredibly positive, kind, and fair with her students and the horses they partner with. Working with Katrina will inspire you to strive for excellence and have fun while doing it!
Katrina emulates the type of person she wants her students to become and is devoted to never ending self improvement, ever evolving ideas and listening, first and foremost to your horse.
She is not just your riding instructor, she'll be there cheering you on in horses and in life, helping you develop skills to connect and build a better relationships with your horses and the people around you.
Story +Philospohy
I love pairing my knowledge of horse behavior into training performance horses. I’m a very competitive person by nature, but my horse means more to me than a score. I don’t care if it was the worst or best score of the day, I care how my horse feels when we leave the arena. It’s not how your horse performs the task, it’s how they feel performing it for you.
I strive to show people what their horses are capable of, beyond winning ribbons, even just in simple tasks. Whether that’s every day tasks like bridling and trailer loading, to liberty, trick training or a firmer understanding of the task asked.
I was exposed to the Parelli program at a young age, and it gave me a great foundation to work off of and started my journey of asking questions, listening to my horse, and changing accordingly. As a young teen though, I wanted more than what the program offered and started searching for something different. My philosophy’s of training are ever changing and evolving as I learn from each horse, but always come back to the foundation of putting my horse, and their needs physically and emotionally, first. And starting from the ground up.
You’ll hear me say this a lot — I care more about what your horse feels (and thinks) like during and after an exercise, than how they actually perform it. My #1 priority is confidence and softness, in horses and riders.
Some of my favorite trainers and authors are Mark Rashid, Warwick Schiller, and Walter Zettle.
Click to get in touch!