"Softness is the result of mutual communication and understanding.  Understanding requires education and thought."

It only takes three repetitions for a horse to learn something, this goes for positive or negative behaviors. It’s easy for horses (and humans let’s be honest) to settle into routines and habits regardless of whether it is beneficial for us in the long there, a lot of the time some of these habits may […]

How to FIX Pacing: Pattern Interruption for Anxious Horses

July 13, 2023

It is so easy to blame everything our horses do on bad behavior or just “how our horse is”. But I want to challenge a mindset shift to increase awareness about how our horses respond to the stimuli and situations we put them in daily. Most of the time, there is a reason for the […]

Finding the cause to everyday problems…

July 10, 2023

Equestrians are one of the most determined, dedicated, and tough people I’ve ever met. We spend hours practicing the physical aspect of horses. Whether we jump through grids, work on our core strength, lift hay bales…or even try and get ALL of our tack from the trailer to the barn in one go. Superwomen. Supermen. […]

Mental Training Tips for Equestrians

March 7, 2022

Wondering what to get your riding instructor for Christmas? Birthday? Or just a huge thank you? Here are ideas straight from another professional! Staying warm while teaching is one of the hardest things instructors struggle with in the winter! It’s perfect for the riders, just cool enough for them to warm up with movement, but […]

5 Gifts for your Riding Instructor!

December 16, 2021


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