Level Up Your Communication By Practicing This Skill! Hint: You Do It EVERY DAY!

Level Up Your Leading

Do you want to level up your relationship and communication with your horse? One of the best way’s to do that is by practicing excellence with leading. Here are some tests to help guide you to excellence! 

  1. Can you lead from different distances on your lead rope?
  2. Can your horse trot alongside you and stop without interference with a rope or stick?
  3. Can you trot, stop, and backup without seeing your horses nose next to you?
  4. Does your horse back in a straight line while leading?
  5. Can you turn into your horse without touching the halter or leadrope to move them over?
  6. Can you ask your horse to stand, and then walk around them without your horse moving?
  7. Can you back your horse to the end of your leadrope without moving your feet?
  8. Does your horse lead from both sides equally?

Happy Training! 



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